Table of Contents


Life is said to be fullled when we are able to realize our full potential and use our abilities to the fullest. This will provide satisfaction and helps in leading a happy and joyful life. If everyone can be happy and joyful, then this world would be a wonderful place to live in.

But most people in this world do not realize their potential and are not able to be happy or joyful. The major reason that causes this situation in human beings is stress.

How is Stress generated in Human Beings ?

Stress is generated due to the inability of people to handle situations within and around them. Making the wrong decisions and choosing the wrong paths under different circumstances lead to the generation of stress within a person.


This mainly happens due to the innate tendencies that reside within a person. These tendencies inuence the decision making capability and actions of the person. These tendencies are incubated due to the genetic qualities and energies that are associated with that person. These genetic qualities and energies are associated with the person as a result of the actions or karma of the past 7 generations of ancestors of that particular Individual.

How is it possible to get rid of Stress ?

The final resort for anyone under stress is prayer, to the very source of creation to help overcome the stress. Lets take a look at this in detail with the help of a comparison between a Human Being and a Computer system

The Computer system comes with a guaranteed lifespan of a certain number of years from the manufacturer. The manufacturer is the authority who can address and solve any issue related to the Computer system.

Any issues or damages that occur within this guaranteed lifespan, will collect the ability of the system to perform as expected and reduce its lifespan. Lets take a look at the course of action followed in such a situation. In the event of such issue or damage to the system, we have the prospect of contacting the manufacturer, to report the issue.

The manufacturer immediately attends to the system for maintenance activity. Thus a completely normal and well functioning system is returned. For the Human being, there are the physical, mental and energy components working in synchronization for making Life happen. The Human being also comes with a guaranteed lifespan from the source of creation or the divine power. As per recent studies, a Human Being is capable of living a healthy life of 120 to 150 years. But there are hardly a few who are able to live up to 100 years of age, that too not at the best of health. Currently the average lifespan of Human beings is calculated to be 79 years.

Like in the case of the Computer system, Human beings are also acted by issues physically and mentally. Lets take a look at the course of action when this event occurs. When such an issue occurs with the body or mind , people try to x the issue by themselves or try to find a solution
for it. Sometimes they can and a temporary solution and sometimes they fail to find any. But even if they find a temporary solution for the issue, it doesn’t necessarily mean the stress is addressed or resolved. Human beings are still capable of finding a million ways to put themselves under stress and cause misery.

This is when people turn to prayer. But unlike in this case of a Computer system, where it is possible to directly contact the manufacturer and log a complaint, most people don’t know how to pray properly and seek help. If they had the proper access to contact the the source of creation or divine power to seek help, any issue can be resolved like how it is possible with a Computer system manufacturer. The source of creation or the divine power is the reason behind the existence of everything and has the power to resolve any issue in its creation.

How to access the Divine and remove stress ? (The Concept of Karma Therapy)

The genetic qualities and energies, as mentioned earlier are the result of the actions or karma associated with the past 7 generations of ancestors of each Individual. The method which is used to remove the negative effects of the genetic qualities and energies, thereby
relieving the Individual of any stress, is known as Karma Therapy.

The concept of Karma Therapy revolve around the cause and effect theory, which has a rm scientificc footing. The Newtonian theory that every action has an equal and opposite reaction is visible in the material world as the effect  is immediate. However the same theory is not immediately visible in the spiritual world and the results may take years to show. What is undeniable is the fact that it will come back.

Karma Therapy can redirect the ill eects in harmless ways. The practices at Sree Bala Vigneshwara Maha Ganapathi Temple are specically designed for this

Sree Bala Vigneshwara Maha Ganapathi Temple, is a temple dedicated to the concepts of Karma, and the resultant eects of it. The two main rituals practiced at the temple are
pooja and Abhisheka. The practices are non-tantric and non-Brahmanical. The presiding
deity is Sree Mahaganapathy in the child form.

The simple worship ritual is a submission of oneself and one’s Karma Bhala to the Lord.
Aimed at mitigating the ill eects of one’s Karma, this worship is a true reection of
ancient Vedic understanding of Cosmic truth that all is one and an indivisible part of Parabrahma (Cosmic Entity). Swami Manikanda is the caretaker of the Lord. Through meditation and constant interaction with the divine, Swami Manikanda realized his capability to act as a medium of the divine to remove the stress in Human beings.

Thus dedicated the rest of his life for serving his fellow beings all around the world, for
their betterment.